The Tenant Protection Plan form is a form that must be submitted for all jobs on building with occupied dwelling units and must be prepared by a Registered Design Professional (RDP). Building owners are required to distribute and post the required notifications in their building once the Department of Buildings (DOB) has issued a work permit. Both the applicant and the property owner are required to sign the actual TPP1 form submitted in the Building Information System (BIS).
The basic purpose of a TPP, according to the NYC DOB, is to outline what steps the contractor and owner will take to protect the tenants living in buildings that are undergoing renovation or construction to avoid or limit service disruptions and mitigate the negative impacts of construction.
Each construction permit requires its own TPP that outlines tenant protections specific to that scope of work. The elements of the TPP may vary depending on the nature and scope of the work, but at a minimum shall make detailed and specific provisions for:
Egress. Clarify how adequate egress will be maintained during construction.
Fire Safety. Identify safety measures to maintain fire safety during construction.
Health Requirements. Specify methods to be used for dust control, disposal of construction debris, pest control and maintenance of sanitary facilities. Owners must include a statement certifying compliance with applicable laws and filings relating to lead and asbestos.
Compliance with Housing Standards. Demonstrate compliance with the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, and New York State Multiple Dwelling Law shall be strictly observed.
Structural Safety. Identify specific measures to maintain structural stability during construction.
Noise Restrictions. Identify the specific means and methods used to limit noise to acceptable levels in accordance with the NYC Noise Control Code.
Maintaining Essential Services. Describe specific means and methods to be used to maintain heat, hot water, cold water, gas, electricity, or other utility services, in accordance with the NYC Housing Maintenance Code. Specify if a disruption of any such service is anticipated during the work, the expected duration of such disruption, the means and methods that will be taken to minimize such disruption, including the provision of sufficient alternatives for such service during the disruption. Notification of the disruption must be given to all affected occupants of occupied dwelling units.
The Tenant Protection Plan is essentially exactly what it says, it is a plan to protect tenants from possible disruptions and mitigate negative impact from construction. While there will always be unexpected issues on any construction site or project, the TPP form is a great way to keep contractors and their crews honest and ensure their responsibility for any issues on a project.