The Tenant Protection Plan (TPP) provides a list of compliance categories that must be met by a building or site of a new building if the building undergoing construction contains at least one occupied dwelling unit. The TPP works to safeguard the building occupants and covers six categories.
The TPP can be found in the NYC Administrative Code §28-104.8.4 Tenant Protection Plan. Construction documents for alterations of buildings in which any dwelling unit will be occupied during construction must include a Tenant Protection Plan. The plan must contain: a statement that the building contains dwelling units that will be occupied during construction, indicating in sufficient detail the specific units that are or may be occupied during construction; the means and methods to be employed to safeguard the safety and health of the occupants; and where applicable, include details such as temporary fire-rated assemblies, opening protectives, or dust containment procedures.
The TPP must be posted on the cover page of the plans (drawings) associated with the permit.
Owners are required to notify the Department 72 hours before beginning work in a building with a TPP. The elements of the TPP may vary depending on the nature and scope of the work but at a minimum must make detailed and specific provisions for:
Egress. At all times, in the course of construction, provisions must be made for adequate egress as required by this Code and the Tenant Protection plan must identify the egress that will be provided. Required egress shall not be obstructed at any time except where approved by the Commissioner.
Fire Safety. All necessary laws and controls, including those with respect to occupied dwellings, as well as additional safety measures necessitated by the construction must be strictly observed.
Health Requirements. Specification of methods to be used for control of dust, disposal of construction debris, pest control and maintenance of sanitary facilities, and limitation of noise to acceptable levels must be included. 3.1. There must be a statement of compliance included with applicable provisions of law relating to lead and asbestos.
Compliance with Housing Standards. The requirements of the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, and, where applicable, the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law must be strictly observed.
Structural Safety. No structural work shall be done that may endanger the occupants.
Noise Restrictions. Where hours of the day or the days of the week in which construction work may be undertaken are limited pursuant to the New York City Noise Control Code, such limitations must be stated.
Maintaining Essential Services. Describe the means and methods to be used for maintaining heat, hot water, cold water, gas, electricity, or other utility services in accordance with the requirements of the New York City Housing Maintenance Code. Specify if a disruption of any such service is anticipated during the work, including anticipated duration of such disruption and the means and methods to be employed to minimize such disruption, including the provision of sufficient alternatives for such service during such disruption. NOTE: Other requirements – Any additional requirements to assure tenant safety during construction.
TPP information is available on the Department’s website using the Buildings Information System (BIS). Once you are at the Property Profile, scroll to the bottom left to Job Filings and select the Job Number. Select Items Required from the linked options at the top of the page. The Tenant Protection Plan and Notes required item will be present if required, with a link if it has been received by DOB.
Contact a borough office.