Alteration – Questions about the scope of work are provided to determine if the filing is an Alteration CO or an Alteration CO – New Building with Existing Elements to Remain. If No is the answer for all the questions, then the filing is an Alteration (does not require an amended CO).
• Alteration required to meet New Building requirements? (Yes = Alteration CO – New Building with Existing Elements to Remain)
• Alteration is inconsistent with the current Certificate of Occupancy? (Yes = Alteration CO) • Alteration in occupancy or use? (Yes = Alteration CO)
• Alteration is a major change to exits? (Yes = Alteration CO)
• Alteration in number of stories? (Yes = Alteration CO if Building Type is 3 Family or Other)
Full Demolition - The dismantling, razing, or removal of all of a building or structure, including all related incidental operations. The Full Demolition Types are: New Work, Emergency Declaration, Immediate Emergency Declaration, Emergency Work Order, and Precept. A registered design professional (PE/RA) is required as the applicant on a full demolition filing when one or more of the following conditions are met:
• Building is greater than 3 stories in height
• Building is greater than 5,000 square feet per floor
• Building is not detached
• Demolition Is using mechanical equipment
• Foundation is not being removed Page 7 of 38
Limited Alteration – An application for the following types of repairs and/or replacement of existing equipment that does not include any construction work:
• Plumbing - Master Plumber (LMP) – Water and Gas Plumbing Alteration including some qualifying sprinkler work
• Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems - Fire Suppression Piping Replacement and Repairs - Fire Suppression Contractor (FSC) Only
• Oil Burner Installations - Oil Burner Installers (OBI) Only
New Building – An application for the construction of a new building. If the job requires the demolition of an existing building, a separate demolition application must be filed. New Building should not be selected if any existing building elements are to remain—for example a part of an old foundation, a portion of a façade that will be incorporated into the construction, etc. If any existing building elements will be retained in place as part of the construction, the application must be filed as an Alteration CO – New Building with Existing Elements to Remain (28-101.4.5).
No Work – Applications for Place of Assembly and Temporary Place of Assembly. Place of Assembly occupancy classifications are for gatherings of people for purposes like civic, social or religious functions, recreation, food or drink consumption, awaiting transportation, or similar group activities, when occupied by 75 people or more. A Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation is required. Following the approval of plans/alternate plans in accordance with BC 1028.1.3, and successful completion of DOB inspection, an initial Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation (PACO) is issued, effective for one year. Afterwards, an annual FDNY inspection for a PACO renewal is required (FC 105.6). For temporary public or private events, held indoors or outdoors, such as trade shows, concerts or private gatherings held for a limited duration, a temporary place of assembly permit is required. A Temporary Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation (TPACO) is issued to ensure the health, safety and welfare of large crowds attending these events.
Additional Questions: Is this an application for a Small Business? – Answer yes if the filing is related to a small business (defined as a business that employs fewer than 100 people). The Business Owner can then be added as a stakeholder on the application. A Small Business tab will autopopulate with additional questions about the small business. Depending on the answers, small business owners may receive additional guidance from the Department of Buildings or a waiver of work without a permit civil penalties.
Is this an application for an approved project under the Major Project Developments Program (MPP)? – Answer yes if the application is related to a project enrolled in the Major Projects Development Program. See 1 RCNY §101-17 and the September 2022 Service Notice. MPP filings receive additional DOB guidance and a single DOB point of contact. To participate in MPP, schedule a consultation appointment through the Pre-Development Consultation for MPP option in DOB NOW.