DOB Violations
To remove a DOB violation from a property record, the condition must be corrected and proof of that correction must be provided to the issuing unit. Visit the Unit Descriptions page for the location of each unit.
Applicable DOB civil penalty payments must also be made. To view violations on your property, access the Buildings Information System (BIS). Refer to the BIS Property Profile Overview for the number of open DOB violations. DOB violations are shown without an asterisk next to the violation number; dismissed DOB violations are shown with an asterisk, e.g., V*7052-18P.
Detailed information on certain DOB violations is available in BIS. If detailed information is not available, you may request copies of DOB violations from the issuing unit. The processing fee is $8.00 per copy for each violation; each additional duplicate copy of a violation is $5.00. You may also file a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request through NYC OpenRecords.
See instructions for DOB:
For all other DOB violations, contact the issuing unit directly.