After the Department of Buildings approves your application and plans, changes are common as the job progresses. There may be a minor change in the work or you may discover you need to correct an error in your initial filing.
The Department requires applicants to maintain a current and accurate record of their jobs by filing Post-Approval Amendments (PAAs) for these changes. This fact sheet will help you file PAAs correctly to speed you through the amendment process and keep your construction project on schedule.
Before Filing a PAA
For Schedule A changes, certain Schedule B changes, and scope of work changes, you must file a PAA. Before you do, follow these simple steps to save time and effort.
Look in BISWeb for the initial document.
Verify the current information on the initial document.
Check for open PAAs in BISWeb.
Use the Document Overview screen in BISWeb to check for PAAs that have been filed but have not been approved and therefore, are not yet reflected in the initial document.
All related PAAs must be approved or withdrawn before you submit a new PAA. Related refers to PAAs affecting the same work-type on the same document.
Approve, withdraw, or edit open related PAAs.
How to File a PAA
Complete the PW1*Tip: To optimize the new PAA edit feature for Schedule B changes, list all Schedule B work-types (PL, SD & SP) on your first Schedule B PAA even if you are not making a change to all work-types. This will enable you to make subsequent Schedule B edits without filing a new PAA.*
Select the Amendment option in the Changes section.
Complete Sections 1 through 4 and 16 (always required). Complete Sections 6, 7A, 8, and 9, as applicable.
If you are changing Section 7, Part A, be clear and specific about the change. This job description will overwrite the job description on the original PW1.
In Section 16-Comments, be specific in your description of the change. For example: Amend Schedule B to add a bathroom on floor 001.
Tip: If you are filing a PAA to correct an Environmental Control Board (ECB) violation for work contrary to plans, include the ECB violation number in Section 16. For example: Per ECB # 34321359L, amending plans to show room addition.
Complete the appropriate schedules if the change affects information on the Schedule A and/or Schedule B.
Amend your plans if the change affects the plans.*Tip: Help the Department find your changes.
On the Schedule A or Schedule B, indicate only the items that are being changed and use a highlighter pen to highlight all the changed information.
Circle the information that has changed on your plans*
Proofread the amended forms and plans. Check for typos. Errors in your PAA application can delay data entry and approval.*Tip: Check the meter and riser counts, fixture counts, and locations on the Schedule B, a common source of mistakes.*
Submit your PAA application to the borough office.
Make a copy of the original. Submit the original and the copy. The Department will keep the copy.
We will date stamp and return the original to you. Make sure the original remains in the job folder.
Check BISWeb to verify that the PAA has been data entered correctly.
Look in BISWeb for the PAA. Look for a status of PAA Fee due which indicates that the PAA has been data entered and is awaiting payment.*Note: If the job is fee deferred/exempt, the PAA is also fee deferred/exempt and you should skip #7 below.**Tip: Before approval the PAA document will ONLY reflect the items requested to be changed. Upon approval, the information on the PAA document will overwrite the original document.*Report errors to the DEAR Unit immediately.
If the error is due to the Department's error, we will correct it so that BIS matches the paperwork submitted by the applicant.
If the error is due to applicant error, the Department will require the applicant to submit new paperwork to correct the error. No additional fee will be charged providing the PAA in question is still open.
Pay the $100.00 PAA fee at the Cashier counter to obtain AP Entire status
Request approval.
If the PAA involves an increase in the scope of work, you must see a fee estimator and pay any additional fees prior to approval.
Professionally certified jobs: Return to DEAR to obtain status of Approved. Check the original document to make sure that it has been overwritten with the amendment information. The PAA process is complete.
Non-professionally certified jobs: Call the Department's Plan Exam appointment center through 311 to schedule a plan exam appointment. The PAA document must be in 'AP Entire' status in order to schedule a plan exam appointment. Exception: Fee deferred/exempt jobs will remain in PAA Fee Due status.