The NYC DEP (Dept of Environmental Protection) typically issues ECB violations or a "Failed to install backflow prevention device(s)" summons from NYC BWSO when a proper backflow device is not installed on an incoming building water service.
The NYC DEP requires certain businesses and residential properties install an approved backflow prevention device. The backflow prevention device is required to prevent contamination of the city drinking-water supply.
To determine whether or not your property requires a backflow prevention device and to work on DEP Violations and/or ECB Violation Removal, hire a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) such as:
Built Engineers
call 646.481.1861
email info@builtengineers.com
There are some some properties that are typically required to install a backflow prevention device:
Properties with in-ground irrigation sprinklers
Properties with swimming pools
Premises with multiple water service lines
Metal plating, cleaning, processing or fabricating facilities
Photo-processing facilities
Laundries and dry cleaners
Commercial car washes
Hospitals, Clinics and Laboratories (including veterinary hospitals)
Medical and Dental Offices
Funeral Parlors
Food processing plants and meat/fish packers
Dye Plants
Paper processors
Auto Repair Shops
Large residential dwellings with water boilers that use rust-inhibitors or other water treatment chemicals, (“treated water boilers”)
Sewage treatment plants or handling facilities
Premises with roof tanks and elevated storage lines
Slaughterhouse/Live Poultry Processing Facilities
Ice Manufacturing Facilities
Printing Facilities
Premises with large boilers or chemically treated boilers
Warehouses (with toxic chemical storage)
Premises with Commercial or Public Kitchens
Premises with water cooled equipment or chillers
Premises with Groundwater Wells
Premises that Reuse or Recycle Water
Shipyards and Marinas
Schools and Colleges
Food Preparation Facilities
Nursing Homes
Barber Shops and Beauty Salons
Building owners that are required to have a backflow device on an existing incoming service will eventually receive a NYC DEP violation order. Typically, once proof is shown to the NYC DEP that a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect has been hired to rectify the issue, an extension is granted. If progress is not made and documented, an ECB violation will be issued by the Environmental Control Board with a civil penalty of up to $1,000. If the violation is not addressed, it may result in shutoff of the building water supply.
Built Engineers can assist in clearing your NYC DEP and ECB violations. We can help determine the correct device as well as the most cost-effective design based on the unique conditions in your building. Built Engineers will help you legalize your existing services and ensure no future fines.
Built Engineers
call 646.481.1861
email info@builtengineers.com
*Please note that backflow-prevention devices may reduce the pressure in the building water service and trigger the need for a domestic-water booster pump or fire-pump.*
**A suitable drain location will need to be provided if a backflow prevention device is required**