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Certificate of Correction For NYC DOB Violations - New York City

Updated: May 11, 2023

A Certificate of Correction can be submitted once the violating condition is corrected. The paper Certificate of Correction affidavit and statement forms must be submitted to the Department's Administrative Enforcement Unit (AEU) in DOB NOW using an eFiling account to login to and select the BIS Options portal. See the Certificate of Correction Request User Guide for more information.

The Certificate of Correction for NYC DOB Violations can be completed by the:

  • Person or representative of the entity named in the violation

  • Officer, Director of named respondent corporation

  • Managing Agent of the named respondent (with a notarized letter of designation signed by named respondent)

  • Owner of Property, but not named respondent (if you are a new owner, attach a copy of deed)

  • Authorized Agent of the place of occurrence (attach a notarized letter of designation signed by the property owner)

  • Partner of named respondent partnership

  • Current Mortgagee of the place of occurrence (with proof of mortgage agreement and a notarized authorization letter signed by the mortgagee)

  • Contractor or other agent (with a notarized authorization letter from the named respondent or property owner)

To certify correction, you must submit the following documents to AEU in DOB NOW:

  • an original Certificate of Correction affidavit (AEU2 or AEU3321) completed by one of the following individuals: respondent named on the summons, officer of the named corporation, property owner, managing agent of place of occurrence, partner of named respondent partnership; contractor or other agent; or Authorized Agent of the current mortgagee

  • notarized statement (AEU20 Form) attesting to how the violating condition(s) were corrected if submitting an AEU2 form

  • proof of correction: permits, receipts, labeled photographs (photographs must be labeled with the date the photo was taken, the location and summons number), inspection results, etc.; and

  • proof of payment of any applicable DOB civil penalties.

For questions about a summons/violation, contact AEU's Customer Service Team at (212) 393-2405 or

Immediately Hazardous (Class 1) Summonses

Class 1 summonses must be corrected immediately, and a Certificate of Correction must be filed with AEU to prove the violating condition(s) have been corrected. Immediately Hazardous (Class 1) Summonses issued at construction sites larger than 4-families that are not corrected and certified as corrected in a timely manner, face additional DOB civil penalties of $3,000 and re-inspections every 60 days.

Upon re-inspection, if it is determined the condition remains or an acceptable Certificate of Correction has not been filed with DOB, additional summonses may be issued.

To avoid the $3,000 DOB civil penalty and further re-inspections of the condition, certify the summons as corrected with AEU.

To pay an Immediately Hazardous civil penalty, login to eFiling, select Express Cashier Payments and Hazardous Violation Fees. Payment can be made by eCheck or credit card, which includes a 2% service charge. In-person payments will no longer be accepted. A copy of the receipt must be submitted with a Certificate of Correction request.

Immediately Hazardous Illegal Conversion Violation/Summons

To limit the imposition of additional daily penalties ($1,000/day), certify correction as soon as possible. You do not have to wait until the hearing.

Work Without a Permit Violation/Summons

You must pay additional DOB civil penalties before your Certificate of Correction will be approved or provide proof of a penalty waiver.

AEU Forms

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