1705.32 Chimneys and vents.
New and altered chimneys and vents, replacing an existing appliance in accordance with Section 503.5.6 of the New York City Fuel Gas Code, or change in appliance in accordance with Section 507 of the New York City Fuel Gas Code and Section 807 of the New York City Mechanical Code shall be subject to special inspection. The chimney or vent shall be inspected to verify compliance with the approved construction documents, and proper clearance or isolation from adjacent combustible construction. Testing of the chimney or vent shall be performed as applicable in accordance with Section 810 of the New York City Mechanical Code and Section 503.5.6 of the New York City Fuel Gas Code. Special inspection of seismic bracing shall be performed in accordance with Section 1705.12 of this code.
Exception: A pressurized smoke test need not be performed on existing and new Listed Type B gas vents and Type L vents. Listed Type B gas vents and Type L vents shall be visually inspected for the presence of a continuous inner wall, proper installation, and no damage or deterioration via readily accessible areas of the vent system, such as the appliance, tee caps, cleanout openings, or termination. The vent system shall be inspected for proper clearances, protection and damage
1705.32.1 Reuse of existing chimneys.
When a new heating system appliance is installed, the special inspector shall verify the condition of the existing chimney lining and breaching. Deficiencies shall be reported as required by Section 1704.1.1.2.